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DiSC Team Training

applying DiSC with high performance teams

Work with a DiSC Expert

14 years experience delivering DiSC to international teams

Our Approach

We help your organisation build and maintain a competitive edge by transforming leadership, team and organisation performance. 


I had a 2 hour coaching session with Garin, based on this I have gained a greater understanding of my communication style, how to match my career to my aspirations and behaviour, and how to communicate effectively with other people. It was really an eye opener.

Naily Makangu, Project Manager at Featurespace (AgilePM, Prince 2 Practitioner)

I found this an extremely insightful and useful tool which helped me become a lot more aware of my team at work – the individual team members, how we interact and why.
It has definitely helped me in improving the different relationships I have at work, as I am now much more aware of why they behave the way they do and how to deal with these relationships and develop them more effectively.

Holly Ash, Head of Marketing, Communications & PR, S2M Recruitment

I would like to thank Garin for facilitating a DISC and leadership session with JCI London partnership team. It was great to know that I have such a diverse team of people. It will be a challenge but with Garin's insight I feel this is the road map to our success as team.

Soraya Bowen, JCI London President

DistinctionDiSC is a trading name of Distinction Business Consulting Limited. We are an authorised partner for EverythingDiSC®.

Everything DiSC® is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.